Labour Party - National Election Campaign
WHO: The UK Labour Party
WHAT: National Election Campaign
BRIEF: To produce two UK Labour Party election campaigns (including the re-election of Tony Blair as British Prime Minister) using widescreen format and keeping the branding and messaging consistent.
RESULT: Over a three week period we produced 37 events nationwide, providing all technical and logistical support, and coordinating a total of four articulated lorries, six trucks and 58 crew. The events ranged in size from large-scale hall rallies accommodating 3,000 delegates, to remote destinations with 50 attendees.
Major considerations included reliable international television coverage at most events, and sets which were shaped to accommodate any venue of any size. Due to unusually short turnaround times, the installation periods were restricted to hours rather than days, which is particularly challenging where wide screen is concerned. Most crucially, each fit-up and de-rig of a show had to adhere to extremely high security procedures. Our professional conduct in overcoming each of these obstacles has earned us a first-class reputation in the industry for fast fit-ups, efficient turnarounds and flawless executions of roadshows both nationally and abroad.


The Old Vic, London

Brighton and Hove:

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